Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Conference

The 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Community Development will be the second gathering of community development practitioners and academicians after the May 2009 first conference which was well attended by CD academe, alumni and professionals from non-government organizations (both international and local), and students (undergraduate and graduate alike). The second conference, with the theme “Enriching CD Education amidst the Global Economic and Environmental Crises”, will take a look at the CD curricula and community – based education programs and how these address current economic and environmental global crises, specifically in the region of Asia and the Pacific. Moreover, it is hoped that through this conference, efforts towards enriching the CD curricula and community education programs will emerge. Specifically, it is the intention of this conference to emphasize realities of developing nations, open areas for dialogue among academics and practitioners and identify areas for collaborative projects among and between academic institutions, non-government organizations and people’s organizations in the fields of research, extension, teaching materials development and field instruction supervision.


  1. Good day!

    I just would like to know the details on:
    Registration fee for students (live out and stay in) and faculty members. I can't FIND an announcement as regards, when payment will be due...

    Ana Arciaga

  2. Hi there!
    I also would like to know the fees, is this open to anyone with interest in education to attend? Please advise yr requirements.
    Rizalyn Vale

  3. Hi Ana and Riza, the details on registration fees (and discounted rates for early bird registration and students) will be posted as soon as the secretariat has finalized the costs to be covered.

  4. hi, been reading thru your site, i am interested to attend the conference. is this open to everyone or do you have to be affiliated with a group. thanks

  5. Lasath said, Hi there
    Our organization too would like to join (may be 4)however,today is 10th Aug.
    Do you still entertain abstracts as last day was 6th and the otherthing is can we just come as participants and if so what is the last day for registration.Pl clarify.
