Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Conference Themes

The topics in the conference will be on three main clusters, with the following sub-themes:

1. Community Development education programs:

a. Contemporary theoretical discourses on CD as a discipline;
b. Methods and approaches of CD education;
c. Praxis-oriented learning;
d. CD Profession and CD Movement in Developing countries;
e. The future of CD: Challenges and Directions

2. Economic Crisis and CD education:

a. Poverty alleviation programs and structural transformation;
b. Innovative Community Approaches and everyday life;
c. Cultural politics of CO – CD;
d. CD and Labor & marriage migration;
e. CD and Challenges to social protection and justice;
f. New conflicts emerging from crisis;

3. Environmental Crisis and CD education:

a. Community-based perspectives and practices on DRR and climate change adaptation;
b. Disaster responses and rehabilitation programs;
c. Community responses to environmental issues (e.g. mining, food security, solid waste management, etc.).

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