Friday, May 21, 2010

Call for Papers

Oral and poster presentations will be accepted. The papers should be able to provide an analysis of the issues being presented, discuss the challenges and implications to CD curricula and practice, identify areas of current collaboration between the academe and practitioners and other stakeholders and highlight principles or standards of good practice for CD professionals and practitioners.

The topics in the conference will be on three main clusters, with the following sub-themes:

1. Community Development education programs:

a. Contemporary theoretical discourses on CD as a discipline;
b. Methods and approaches of CD education;
c. Praxis-oriented learning;
d. CD Profession and CD Movement in Developing countries;
e. The future of CD: Challenges and Directions

2. Economic Crisis and CD education:

a. Poverty alleviation programs and structural transformation;
b. Innovative Community Approaches and everyday life;
c. Cultural politics of CO – CD;
d. CD and Labor & marriage migration;
e. CD and Challenges to social protection and justice;
f. New conflicts emerging from crisis;

3. Environmental Crisis and CD education:

a. Community-based perspectives and practices on DRR and climate change adaptation;
b. Disaster responses and rehabilitation programs;
c. Community responses to environmental issues (e.g. mining, food security, solid waste management, etc.).

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